Choice list dialogs

These dialogs are used to add additional user-defined choices to a list that may include built-in choices.

Choice list dialogs are used for:


ClosedShow image

Meter Construction dialog

Item Description
Name (column)

You can create a new choice by filling in this field for the row with the asterisk, then clicking the row that subsequently contains the asterisk.

The maximum name length varies depending on the type of choice list.

Description (column) You can add a description if you want to.
Import (button) Opens a Windows Open dialog, for choosing the CSV file that contains the choice details that you want to import.
Export (button) Opens a Windows Save As dialog, for choosing a location and name for a CSV file to contain the choice details that you want to export.
Context menu
In the Name and Description columns Cut, Copy, Paste For cutting, copying, and pasting cell content via the clipboard.
In the left-most (grey) column) Cut, Copy, Paste For cutting, copying, and pasting row content via the clipboard.
Delete row

Deletes the row.

A row can also be deleted by selecting it and pressing the keyboard Delete key.

Adding meter construction types

Viewing spatial data on the GeoPlan