Pipe Materials dialog

This dialog is used for managing the list of pipe materials. These materials can be selected when you set the Material field for any link type object.

The dialog lets you:

Note: If the database global settings are protected, only database owners will be able to make changes to the Pipe Materials dialog. See About user permissions for more information.

For more information about using the Pipe Materials dialog as part of the automated lookup process, see the following topics:

The dialog is opened by choosing Tools | Pipe materials.

ClosedShow image

Pipe Materials dialog

Item Description
Main grid
Append row You can add a new pipe material in the row marked with this symbol (if present). Enter a name, then enter or choose values in the other columns.


The name of the pipe material. This is the internal code and has a maximum of 10 characters


A fuller description of the pipe material. This description is shown in the drop-down list on the Link Grids when you select pipe Material.

Alias For

You can set any user defined pipe material to act as an alias for another pipe material. Enter the other pipe material name in this field.

For example, you may add a new pipe material called IRON and then set its Alias field to point to the built-in type CI (Cast Iron). Now, when the lookup procedures find IRON in the Material field for a pipe, they will look in the tables for CI (Cast Iron).

When a material type is set up as an alias, you cannot edit the lookup tables associated with the type, as they will not be used in the lookup procedures. The alias type tables are used instead.

Built in material types cannot be set up as an alias. The Alias field on the grid is disabled.

Wave Celerity

Used for automatically setting wave celerity from pipe Material.

Velocity of propagation of pressure waves along a pipe caused by a sudden increase of decrease of flow velocity.

CO2 Cost

Used for automatically setting CO2 cost of material from pipe Material and Diameter.

Carbon dioxide equivalent cost of pipe materials.

Built In

Check this box if you want to use the built-in lookup tables for any built in material type. Only built-in materials have built-in tables, so this box is not relevant for user-defined material types.


Check this box if you want to use user-defined tables for a material type. The box should be permanently checked for user-defined materials, as they only have the one set of tables.

Built in material types may or may not have user-defined tables attached. If they do, clicking this box will select them. If not, you can double-click this box to add new tables. You are given the option of basing these new tables on the existing built-in tables.

Lookup tables (dropdown)

CW Roughness Lookup

Used for automatically setting pipe roughness when the Roughness Type is set to Colebrook-White.


The age of the pipe


The roughness coefficient for a pipe of the given age

HW Roughness Lookup

Used for automatically setting pipe roughness when the Roughness Type is set to Hazen-Williams.


The age of the pipe


The size (Diameter) of the pipe


The roughness coefficient for a pipe of the given age and size

DW Roughness Lookup

Used for automatically setting pipe roughness when the Roughness Type is set to Darcy-Weisbach.


The age of the pipe


The roughness coefficient for a pipe of the given age

Nominal Size Lookup

Used for automatically setting pipe diameter. You can enter your own user-defined tables for all material types. You can also edit the Tolerance values for any built-in tables.


The nominal size of the pipe. This is often the external diameter of the pipe.


The tolerance used by the automated lookup process when comparing pipe sizes with the table. When the procedure finds a pipe whose existing diameter is within the tolerance set for a particular pipe size, it is assumed to be that size, and the existing diameter is replaced with the effective diameter.


The effective diameter of the pipe, usually calculated from the nominal size and wall thickness based on manufacturers' data.

CO2 Cost

Used for automatically setting CO2 cost of material for pipes based on the pipe Material and Diameter fields.


The size (Diameter) of the pipe

CO2 Cost

The carbon dioxide equivalent cost of material for a pipe of the given size

Import (button) Opens a Windows Open dialog, for choosing the CSV file that contains the choice details that you want to import.
Export (button) Opens a Windows Save As dialog, for choosing a location and name for a CSV file to contain the choice details that you want to export.

Adding and deleting pipe materials

About pipe material and automated lookup

Setting pipe roughness

Setting pipe diameter

Setting wave celerity

Setting CO2 cost of material