About pipe material and automated lookup
InfoWorks WS Pro allows you to carry out automatic lookup of roughness, pipe diameter, wave celerity and CO2 cost of material based on the value in the pipe Material field and some other field values.
The values you can set are:
- Colebrook White Roughness
- Hazen Williams Roughness
- Darcy Weisbach Roughness
- Effective Pipe Diameter
- Wave Celerity
- CO2 Cost of Material
For instructions on carrying out the lookup procedures, see the Setting Pipe Roughness, Setting Pipe Diameter, Setting Wave Celerity and Setting CO2 Cost of Material topics.
The list of pipe materials, and their associated lookup tables are maintained on the Pipe Materials dialog, which is accessed by choosing Pipe Materials from the Tools menu.
Roughness Lookup
See Setting Pipe Roughness for full details and instructions. The values in the built in roughness lookup tables come from WRc guidelines.
In order to use automated lookup, you must have the Material field of the pipes you want to adjust set to a type that is included in the lookup tables.
There are other roughness lookup tables (not used for automated lookup) provided with InfoWorks, each coming from a different source and based on different research. You need to use your own judgement as to which data is most appropriate.
Effective Diameter Lookup
The values in the effective diameter lookup table are calculated from water industry specifications using a simple algorithm. The Maximum External Diameter and the Minimum Wall Thickness are used to come up with an internal diameter.
Bear in mind that because of the values used the internal diameter calculated could be an over-estimate.

In order to use automated lookup, you must have the Material field of the pipes you want to adjust set to a type that is included in the lookup table. The pipe material types included in the table do not, currently, fully match the built-in material types that can be set for a pipe. When setting the Material field you are not limited to the built-in types. You can type in any (up to four letter) material code, as well as choosing a built-in material type from the dropdown list.
There is an additional Nominal Size Table provided with InfoWorks, with values coming from a different source and based on different research. You need to use your own judgement as to which data is most appropriate.
See Setting Pipe Diameter for more information and instructions.
Wave Celerity Lookup
See Setting Wave Celerity for full details and instructions.
In order to use automated lookup, you must have the Material field of the pipes you want to adjust set to a type that is included in the lookup tables.
CO2 Cost of Material Lookup
See Setting CO2 Cost of Material for full details and instructions.
In order to use automated lookup, you must have the Material and Diameter field of the pipes you want to adjust set to a type that is included in the lookup tables.