GMR Mapped CSV Import dialog

Use this dialog to set up test cases based on elements from a CSV file or the current SQL results grid.

When using this dialog, the source CSV file or SQL results need contain only some of the components of the test case.

After you click OK on this dialog, the mapping you have set up is cleared from it and transferred to the test case grid on the Generalised Multi Run Configuration dialog. You can save the mapping for later use by clicking Save Mapping before you click OK.

The dialog is opened by clicking the Mapped CSV Import button on the Generalised Multi Run Configuration dialog.

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GMR Mapped CSV Import dialog

Item Description
Import from SQL Results View Tick this box to import from the currently open SQL Results view. This is instead of using a CSV file.
CSV File Use the browse button to find the CSV file that you want to use. This is instead of importing from SQL results.
Test cases

You can add test case details to this grid and change them. You can add new test cases by entering information into the blank row. You can delete a test case by right-clicking its left-most (grey) column and selecting Delete.

Test Case Enter a name for the test case or choose one from the drop-down list. The drop-down list is populated with the headers of the associated CSV file or SQL results grid.

Choose an object type for which instances exist in the current network.

Alternatively, you can choose Run, and then choose a parameter (field) that can be modified as successive test cases are implemented.

Object Id Choose the object for this test case by selecting its ID. If there are no instances of the selected object type, this list will be empty.
Field Choose the parameter (field) to be used in the test case.
Value Choose or enter the parameter value for the test case.
Load Mapping Click to load a previously created mapping file (.gmr).
Save Mapping Click to save the current mapping to a .gmr file.
OK Click to transfer the mapping set up in this dialog to the test case grid on the Generalised Multi Run Configuration dialog. Doing this will clear the mapping from the current dialog.

Generalised Multi Run Configuration dialog

Schedule Hydraulic Run view

Model Group window

About simulations