Grid Report (Forced Fire Flow) view

This view displays the results of a Forced Fire Flow Simulation.

The view is displayed in one of the following ways:

If a failure criteria specified on the Fire Flow Options dialog has not been met (Minimum Fire Flow Node Pressure, for example), the appropriate field will be highlighted red in the grid.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Forced fire flow results columns

Hydrant Fire Flow

The test flow applied to the target node.

Hydrant Residual Pressure

The pressure at the target node after fire flow has been applied at the node.

Network Minimum Residual Pressure

The minimum residual pressure in the network.

Note: Fixed Head, Well and Reservoir nodes are not included in the check for Network Minimum Residual Pressure.

Minimum Network Node

The Node ID of the node at which the Network Minimum Residual Pressure occurred.

Maximum Velocity

The maximum velocity experienced in the network at the snapshot for which the Forced Fire Flow simulation is run.

Maximum Velocity Link

Link ID of the link in which the Maximum Velocity occurred. If the Maximum Velocity occurs in the assumed hydrant pipe, this will be indicated by the text "Hydrant".

Maximum Flow Reversal

The maximum flow reversal in the network (compared with base simulation).

Maximum Flow Reversal Link

Link ID of the link in which the Maximum Flow Reversal occurred.

Hydrant Relative Head

A negative value indicates that pumping will be required.

The numerical value of the drop is derived by assuming that a standard hydrant object is connected to the test node. Hydrant properties used in the calculation are:

  • Pipe diameter = min diameter of pipes attached to the test node.
  • Relative head = 0.0
  • Local loss coeff = 1.0.
  • Valve diameter = pipe diameter.
  • Valve curve = PLUG
  • Valve local loss = 1.0
Context menu options
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells / rows / columns can be copied simultaneously.
Freeze Columns

Available from the column headers when one or more columns are selected.

Moves the columns to the left side of the grid, and marks them with an extra thick line. When you scroll columns sideways, these frozen columns do not move.

Unfreeze All Columns

Available from the column headers when columns have previously been frozen.

Unfreezes all frozen columns.

Hydrant Curve Shows a graph of the calculated hydrant curve.
Show Results at Flow Value Shows a GeoPlan of results for a test flow.
Column sorting Various options to sort data in a single column or in selected rows / columns.

Grid Reports

About fire flow simulations

Fire Flow Options dialog

Fire Flow Options dialog - Forced Fire Flow view