List All Hyperlinks dialog

This dialog displays a list of all hyperlinks attached to objects in a network. You can check the hyperlinks and open the hyperlinked information.

To display the dialog, choose List all hyperlinks from the Network menu.

Item Description
Check all links (button) Click to check all the links. The results are shown in the Status column.
Object The type of network object.
Object name The name of the network object.

The name given to the hyperlink when it was added to the network object. This may still be the default name, which is the filename or URL of the destination object.

You can click this name to open the hyperlinked information.

Filename or URL The filename or URL of the destination object.
Location For example, Locally mounted drive.
Status Shows the results of clicking the Check all links button.

About hyperlinks

Opening hyperlinked information

Listing all network hyperlinks