New Demand Category dialog

The New Demand Category dialog is used to set up a new Demand Category which can be:

The dialog is displayed when the Add button on the Demand Diagram Editor is clicked.

ClosedShow image

Data Field Description

Category Name

Name for the new category.

Based on Current Category

The option to make a copy of the currently displayed category. If this option is checked, all other options are unavailable.

The software will make a copy of the selected demand category.



The category data in the Demand Diagram editor is entered manually, either by typing or by using cut and paste in the Daily Values grid. Other options are disabled.


Select this option when using demand data which comes from a live data source. The Data Link control becomes available if this option is selected.

Data Link


The category data in the Demand Diagram editor is entered manually, either by typing or by using cut and paste in the Daily Values grid. The category is marked as Direct (the Direct box in the Demand Diagram editor is checked) to show that the data has come from a live data source.


In Linked mode, the remaining options on the dialog are available, and the user can choose the source of the live data. The demand category data is read from the live data.


  • In order to use this option, live data must be open in the interface. Linked mode will not be available from the dropdown list unless there is current live data.
  • There is no dynamic link between the demand category profile and the live data source. The demand category can be edited in the Demand Diagram editor independently of the live data.

Device ID

Dropdown list of device IDs corresponding to the Live Data Point IDs in the live data configuration from which the daily demand values will be taken.

Input Date

Start date from which data is to be read. Selected by using the spin buttons. Only dates for which valid data is available can be selected.

Input Days

Number of days for which data is to be read. Only valid number of days available from chosen input date can be selected. Data will be read from the device from the input date selected for the number of input days selected.

Live Data Start / Live Data End

Date and time that live data readings start and finish. These fields are read only.

About demand diagrams

Demand Diagram dialog (demand diagram editor)