About demand diagrams

Consumer demand will vary throughout the day, and there will be additional variations due to the day of the week and the time of year. The InfoWorks WS Pro approach to demand is based on the hypothesis that consumers belonging to a particular category will behave in much the same way. For each model, the categories should be defined depending on local circumstances.

The main object for defining demand patterns in InfoWorks WS Pro is the demand diagram. The demand diagram provides a full description of the pattern of demand in a model. When running simulations, a demand diagram is an essential component of every simulation.

The demand diagram contains one or more demand categories that define the demand pattern for an individual type of consumer. For example, domestic use could be split into several categories, each one corresponding to a different part of the supply area with its own characteristic pattern.

Losses can be described as a separate demand category. This allows losses to be increased overnight (corresponding to higher pressure) and decreased during the day.

For detailed information on demand categories, see Demand Diagram dialog (demand diagram editor).

About demand

Demand Diagram dialog (demand diagram editor)

Database object list