Demand Diagram dialog (demand diagram editor)

A demand diagram is a collection of individual demand categories which together describe the overall demand pattern for a supply area.

The demand diagram editor is used for both viewing and editing this demand pattern data.

To open a demand diagram for editing, either drag the demand diagram from the Model Group window onto the main window background, or right-click and choose Open.

Tip: An example demand diagram is supplied with the InfoWorks WS Pro example database. This can be copied to another database and altered if needed for use in your own projects.

ClosedShow image

Demand Diagram editor

Data Field Description

DDG Comment

Space for comments applicable to the demand diagram.

Demand Category


Drop-downlist (unlabelled)

Used to select a category for viewing or editing.

The list is populated by clicking the Add button and completing the New Demand Category dialog.

A demand diagram contains one or more demand categories.

Live Data Link

Used to select a live data point.

The drop-down list is populated if a live data configuration is open.


Displays the New Demand Category dialog, which allows:

  • a live data point to be chosen for direct demands (the name of the live data point is remembered)
  • initial parameters for the new category to be set up

New categories are added with all factors set to 1.0.

Delete Used to delete the currently displayed category from the list. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

Opens the Rename Demand Category dialog, used to rename categories.

Note: CONST and CONST_LEAKAGE are reserved user category names representing a constant demand profile and constant leakage profile respectively. Categories cannot be added to the demand diagram using these reserved names.


If checked, the category is treated as leakage rather than user demand.

Leakage categories are displayed, edited and adjusted separately on theDemand at Nodes grid window and the Demand Adjustment grid window.


Read-only field. This box is checked if the category was created with the direct parameter set; that is, associated with live data. See New Demand Category dialog for more details.

Pressure-Related (%)

Percentage of demand that is pressure related. This value will be used if the Pressure related demand box on theSchedule Hydraulic Run view is checked. This is an advanced option and should be used only with care. Total demand with this option depends on the simulation, and cannot be accurately predicted in advance. See About pressure related demand for more information.
Show values for all days

This option is available if daily profiles have been set up for the current demand category. Checking this box will display all the daily profiles at once. An additional column is added to the grid to show the day. If this box is not checked, the daily profile displayed by the editor can be changed by clicking the appropriate day on the Coefficients - Daily grid.

With this box checked, three columns of data can be pasted including day of the week information. The first column of your data needs to include at least the first three letters of the day name to identify the day (for example, thu is enough to identify Thursday). Alternatively, data that includes a date and time can be pasted. InfoWorks WS Pro will calculate the day of the week based on the date.

Daily values

The grid is for you to enter values to define the pattern of demand throughout the day.

This daily pattern can be used for all days of the week, with the option of scaling the demand by changing the appropriate value on the Coefficients - Daily grid.

Alternatively, individual profiles can be set up for each day of the week. You use the Make Daily Profiles button to open the Manage Daily Profiles dialog and set up daily profiles.

If the Linear Interpolation option within this section is checked, demand is applied using linear interpolation between values. If unchecked, daily values are applied as a stepped profile.

You can use the context menu to copy data from the Daily values grid onto the clipboard and then paste it into the Daily values grid for another demand diagram or into Excel. You can copy day information if daily demand profiles have been created.

You can use Paste build from the context menu to display the Paste Demand Profile dialog, which you can use to build a grid of time/value pairs.

Coefficients - Daily grid

A scale factor for variations in demand during the week.

The sum of these factors should be equal to 7 (that is, the average weighting factor must be 1).

The numeric value represents the factor at noon on each day. If the Linear Interpolation option in this section is checked, linear interpolation is performed between values.

These factors are still used even if individual profiles have been defined for each day of the week. Ensure that the value is set to 1.0 if you do not want any scaling to take place.

Coefficients - Monthly grid

A scale factor for month-by-month variations in demand giving the relationship between each month's average and the annual average.

The sum of these numbers should be equal to 12 (that is, the average weighting factor must be 1).

The numeric value represents the middle of the month. If the Linear Interpolation option in this section is checked, linear interpolation is performed between values.

Ensure that the value is set to 1.0 if you do not want any scaling to take place.

Category Comment

Space for comments applicable to current demand category.

Make Daily Profiles

Used to open the Manage Daily Profiles dialog and set up daily profiles in order to define a seven day demand pattern.

Normalize Daily Values

Used to make the average of the pattern values entered equal to one. This allows demand data (flows) to be entered in original form straight from external data, and then adjusted to create a demand diagram with an average demand equal to one.
Network demand

Automatic refresh /
Manual refresh

The refresh options determine when the demand graph and the properties and average demand values are refreshed.

  • Automatic refresh - graph and values are refreshed automatically when changes are made to the demand category, a different demand category is selected, or changes are made to demand in the network.
  • Manual refresh - the graph and values are refreshed when required, by clicking the Refresh button. Particularly useful for large models for which refreshing of the demand graph may be slow.
  • Refresh - For use when the Manual refresh option is selected.

Demand Graph

Displays a graph of actual daily demand in the network for the current demand category.

  • Demand per Property and Average Demand categories: the daily value is multiplied by the average demand for the current category.
  • Direct Demand categories: the daily value is multiplied by the total of the direct demand factors in the network for the current category.

Show Alternative Demand

This option is available if alternative demand is associated with the current network. Checking this box displays the demand graph, properties and average demand determined from alternative demands.


Read-only field. Shows the total number of properties assigned to nodes in the current network with the current demand category.

If alternative demand is associated with the current network, the total number of properties assigned from the alternative demand can be displayed by checking the Show Alternative Demand box.


Read-only field. Shows the average demand assigned to nodes in the current network with the current demand category.

If alternative demand is associated with the current network, the average demand assigned from the alternative demand can be displayed by checking the Show Alternative Demand box.

Category Pattern Graph

Displays a graph of the daily values entered in the Daily values grid for the selected category.

Update category from live data Opens the Update From Live Data dialog.

Creating and updating demand diagrams

About pressure related demand

Update From Live Data dialog

New Demand Category dialog

Paste Demand Profile dialog

Manage Daily Profiles dialog