Demand Adjustment grid window

The Demand Adjustment grid window serves two purposes:

The Demand Adjustment view operates in conjunction with a network selection.

To display the view, choose Window | Grid windows | New demand adjustment window, or click the New demand adjustment window icon from the Grid windows dropdown on the Windows toolbar.

This view is network specific. There must be a current network.

Additional information will be displayed, and additional options will be available, if there is control data associated with the network and a current demand diagram.

The layout of the view comprises five functional areas. ClosedShow image

Area Description

The left area of the view lists demand categories used by the nodes in the selection, with some additional rows for totals.

If there is a current demand diagram, the New Category and Profile Avg. columns are populated with the actual values, allowing global changes to be made to the demand categories applied to particular nodes. Clicking a category in the New Category column will display a dropdown list with all the available demand categories, allowing you to assign a different category to these nodes.

These categories are always displayed whether you have a current demand diagram attached to the view or not.

However, if there is no current demand diagram:

  • the values in the profile average column are set to an assumed value of 1.
  • you will not be able to make global changes to the demand categories for all nodes using an existing category.

Either open a demand diagram prior to opening the view, or open one and click the Refresh Demand Diagram button.

If you have defined leakage categories, these are displayed separately from the demand categories. You can click the header rows for the two types to show or hide all the rows for that type.

2 The central area of the view displays a summary of the current demand in the network. This summary will be updated every time adjustments from area 3 are applied.

The right area of the view allows demand to be adjusted in a number of ways described below.

When changes have been made, you must click the Apply button to adjust demand settings in the network. The adjustment will be applied to all the selected nodes.

Networks are version controlled objects: see Managing version controlled objects.

Category Total is the sum of Land Use and Adjusted Total. Land Use demand is read-only (greyed out cells) indicating that it will not be affected by scaling.

4 The lower left area of the view provides details of average flow through transfer nodes. The flow factor for transfer nodes can be adjusted if there is checked out control data associated with the network.

The lower right area of the view contains buttons and check boxes allowing object selection and customisation of the Demand Adjustment grid.


Refresh Demand Diagram If changes are made to the currently used demand diagram, click this button to update the view with these changes.
Refresh Node Selection ~
Apply When changes have been made, click this button to adjust demand settings in the network.
Select nodes with demand in category Select a category by highlighting its row and click this button to select all the nodes associated with that particular demand category in the GeoPlan.
Select & find transfer node Click a transfer node in the Node ID column of the Transfer Node Flows table and click this button to highlight the transfer node on the GeoPlan.
Graph Selected Categories Select one or more category rows and click this button to graph the selected categories.

Check boxes:

Alternative Demand Check to view alternative demand values. Uncheck to view network demands.
Show category information Uncheck to hide the New Category and Profile Avg. columns.
Show consumption limits Uncheck to hide the minima and maxima of specific consumption columns.
Show land use demand Uncheck to hide the land use consumption and the category grand total columns.

Making demand adjustments

About demand

About networks