Demand at Nodes grid window

The Demand at Nodes grid view provides a central location for viewing and editing node demand. It brings together all the information from the Node Demand pages of the individual node property sheets.

With a network open, click the button on the Windows toolbar or select Window | Grid windows | New node demand window. Networks are version controlled objects: see Managing version controlled objects.

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View layout

Demand categories are displayed in three separate sections:

Each demand category has a number of columns with data for each node. There is a final column for total demand.

Demand categories can be set up to represent leakage, rather than consumer demand. Leakage categories are displayed separately on the right of the view, with a separate totals column.

If alternative demand is associated with the network, the alternative demand values will be displayed in the view by default. Uncheck the Alternative Demand box to view the network demands.

For detailed information on using this grid view for editing demand, see Using the Demand at Nodes grid window.

Using the Demand at Nodes grid window

About assigning demand to nodes