Print Setup Logo dialog

This dialog is used to set the title and logo options when printing the following views:

The dialog is displayed by clicking the Logo button on the Page Setup dialog for the view. (To display the Page Setup dialog, select File | Page setup.)

When printing the GeoPlan window, the options on this dialog are available from the Customs page of the GeoPlan Print dialog.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Text box You can enter a title that will be printed at the bottom of the printout, or you can use an automatically generated title (for which see Auto generate title, below).
Print Title Check to include the title in the printout.
Auto generate title Check to generate a title. This title will be used instead of any manually entered one. You cannot edit the automatically generated title, but you can revert to the manually entered title by unchecking this box.

The logo is a piece of Rich Text Format text that can be included at the bottom of the printout.

Logo area Paste text into this area, or use the Load button.
Load Click to load an existing Rich Text Format (.rtf) file created in an external package such as Microsoft Word.
Save Save the contents of the logo area as a rich text file.
Print Logo Check to include the logo in the printout.
Default Logo Check to use the default logo. (See Setting the default logo for more information.)

Setting the default logo