Exporting and importing data flags to and from CSV

Data flags are a powerful tool for recording the source and integrity of data in your model.

You can export flag data to a CSV file and import it from a CSV file.


To export flags to a CSV fileComma Separated Variable file format is a standard file format that can be imported and exported by many software packages. Many types of data can be imported and exported using csv format by InfoWorks.:

  1. Select File | Master database settings | User defined flags.
  2. Click the Export button on the User Defined Flags dialog. A standard File Save dialog is displayed.
  3. Choose where to save your flag data and click Save.


To import data flags stored in a CSV file:

  1. Select File | Master database settings | User defined flags.
  2. Click the Import button on the User Defined Flags dialog. A standard File Open dialog is displayed.
  3. Select the file containing your flag data and click Open.

About importing data flags

If a flag in the CSV file has the same name as a flag already in InfoWorks WS Pro, the imported flag will overwrite the existing flag.

To create a CSV file containing flags that can subsequently be imported, the file must have the correct format. The importer recognises the file as a flag file if it has the correct column headers in the first line. The colour value (fourth element in each line) is an RGB value.

id, description, defunct, color

#D, System Default, 0, 15780518

#G, Data from GeoPlan, 0, 65280

#V, CSV Import, 0, 33023

AA, Obsolete A flag, 1, 255

BB, B Flag, 0, 16776960

CC, C Flag, 0, 12639424

About data flags

User Defined Flags dialog