Defining electricity tariffs

Electricity tariffs are made up of a number of rates including fixed charges, 24 hour charging profiles, and seasonal charging profiles.

The object for defining electricity tariffs in InfoWorks WS Pro is the Electricity Tariff component. The Electricity Tariff component contains one or more tariffs which define the charging schemes for the supply of electricity to pumping stations in the model. The Electricity Tariff is an optional component of a simulation.

Creating a new Electricity Tariff component

  1. If there is no Electricity Tariff group in the model group, create one by right-clicking the model group and selecting New | Electricity Tariff Group.
  2. Right-click the Electricity Tariff group and select New | Electricity Tariff.

Importing an Electricity Tariff component

An Electricity Tariff can be imported from files exported from InfoWorks WS Pro:

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click the Electricity Tariffs group.
  2. Choose Import | Item from I/O File from the contenxt menu. This displays the Open dialog.
  3. On the Open dialog, select the .tar file that you want to import.
  4. To import the file, click Open.

If the name of the Electricity Tariff component to be imported already exists in the master database, successive '!' characters are added until a unique name is generated.

Editing an Electricity Tariff component

The Electricity Tariff editor is used for both viewing and editing the tariff data.

To open an Electricity Tariff for editing:


Electricity Tariffs

Electricity Tariff Editor

Creating Groups

Creating an Item Within a Group