Exporting a GeoPlan to AutoCad DWG

InfoWorks WS Pro network layers can be exported to AutoCAD DWG format. Each network layer, including labels, will be exported to a different AutoCAD layer.

To export a GeoPlan to DWG format:

  1. Select GeoPlan | Export to Autocad DWG. This will display the AutoCAD Export dialog. ClosedShow image

  2. In the AutoCAD Export dialog, select export options as required:
  3. Use the Browse button to choose a name and location for the exported file.
  4. To export the file, click OK.

Note: When viewing the exported file as a wire frame image in AutoCAD, all lines are drawn with the same line thickness, and labels are displayed using a default font. Render the wire frame image to view lines and labels as displayed in InfoWorks WS Pro.

GeoPlan window

Autocad Export dialog

GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog - Layers and Themes page