Exporting to KMZ for Google Earth

To save the network in a format that can be readable by Google Earth:

  1. Select GeoPlan | Export to KMZ for Google Earth.

    The Export to KMZ file for Google Earth dialog is displayed:

  2. Click the ... button in the KMZ filename section.
  3. Use the Save As dialog to specify a location and a filename for the export file (extension .KMZ).
  4. Back in the Export to KMZ for Google Earth dialog, select the required coordinate system in the Projection drop-down list.
  5. If required, set options as described in the help for the Export to KMZ for Google Earth dialog.
  6. To export the file, click OK.

    The export file is saved in the requested location and can be opened in Google Earth.

GeoPlan window

Integration with Google Earth