Importing InfoWater data

InfoWater networks can be imported into InfoWorks WS Pro.

To import a network from EPANET files:

  1. Right-click the model group in either the Model Group window or Explorer window.
  2. From the context menu, choose Import | InfoWater (XINP).

    This displays the first page of the InfoWater import wizard. This page displays a basic introduction. To access the InfoWorks WS Pro help system before beginning the import process, click the Help button or press F1.

  3. Complete the import wizard.

    For more information, click the Help button or press F1.

    When the import is complete, the Finished page will be displayed, showing feedback information about the import.

At the end of the import, new items will be added to the database, including:

After import is complete

Once the InfoWater data has been imported, you will probably have to do some tidying up and add some additional data to complete the imported network.

Feedback from the import process is displayed on the Finished page, the last page of the import wizard. This feedback is saved in the description data for these imported items:

To access this description, right-click the item (network, control set, or demand diagram) and choose Properties from the context menu. Then go to the Description page of the Properties dialog.

The InfoWater conversion notes topic discusses some of the issues involved in the import process.

Importing networks (overview)

InfoWater conversion notes

InfoWater import wizard