Renaming additional user fields

InfoWorks WS Pro provides additional user fields that can be viewed from the network object grid views and from the network property sheets.

There are ten numeric and ten text fields. By default, the names of these fields are set to the database default names defined by administrators in the User Defined Field Names dialog. If default names have not been defined for the current database, the fields are named User Number 1 to  User Number 15 and User Text 1 to User Text 15.

User field names renamed in the network object grid views override global default names.

Names for additional user fields set via the grid view are a property of the network. When a name is changed, it applies only to the current network and to any children of the network created later using the Check Out or Check Out and Branch options.

To rename a field:

Every column is treated independently, so different names can be set for each column for each type of network object.


Long user defined field names may not be fully visible when displayed on property sheets.

About grid windows

Using property sheets

Set Heading for Column dialog

User Defined Field Names dialog

Managing version controlled objects