Sorting network objects

There are several ways to sort network objects on the grid views. Data in a single column or multiple columns can be sorted. Sorting can also be limited to selected rows.

Single Column

To sort the rows in the grid according to the contents of a particular column:

  1. Select the column on which the grid is to be sorted
  2. Right-click and select either Sort Ascending, Sort Descending or Sort by Flag

When carrying out subsequent sorting on single columns, the order of the previous sort is preserved where possible.

Multiple Columns

There are two methods by which multiple columns can be sorted at the same time:

To sort the grid using the Sort Grid dialog:

  1. Right click in the grid and select Sort from the context menu. Alternatively select Sort from the Grid menu This displays the Sort Grid dialog.
  2. Choose up to three fields from the dropdown lists. InfoWorks WS Pro will sort the grid on each of these fields in turn
  3. For each selected field decide whether to sort in Ascending or Descending order

To sort the grid in currently selected columns:

  1. Select the columns to be sorted
  2. Right click in the grid and select either Sort on Selected Columns Ascending or Sort on Selected Columns Descending

Selected Rows

To sort the data in a selection of rows only:

  1. Highlight the rows to be sorted in the grid
  2. Right click in the column containing the values by which the data is to be sorted and select either Sort Ascending (Selected Rows), Sort Descending (Selected Rows) or Sort by Flag (Selected Rows)

Network Object Grid Views

Editing Data in the Network Object Grid Views

GeoPlan Window

Grid Views

Sort Grid dialog