Importing UPC data

You can import UPC data from text files. These files must have the appropriate format, and should have a .RTC extension. It is unlikely that you will edit these files yourself. You will probably create them by exporting UPC data from InfoWorks WS Pro.

To import UPC data:

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click a UPC group.
  2. From the context menu, select Import | Item from I/O File.
  3. Browse for the correct file(s) using the File Open dialog. You can select more than one file if you want. When you have selected the file(s) you want to import, click Open.
  4. InfoWorks WS Proimports the file(s) into the UPC group. The UPC scenario is given the same name as the file, unless this name already exists. In this case ! characters are added until a unique name is found.

About UPC scenarios

Exporting UPC data

Editing UPC data