Built-in Tariffs
An example Electricity Tariff, "Elen", is supplied with the
InfoWorks example database.
This can be copied to another database and altered if needed for use in your own projects.
Three tariff rates are included in the example Electricity Tariff - M1, M2 and M3. These tariffs can be used as examples to form the basis of your own tariff definitions.
The figures below show seasonal changes of Maximum Demand Charge and changes of Unit Charge over a day of M2 tariff.
Seasonal Changes of Maximum Demand Charge (M2 example electricity tariff)
Daily Changes of Unit Charge (M2 example electricity tariff)
Tariff M3 differs considerably from M2. There is no Maximum Demand Charge and Unit Charge depends both on time of day and season. The figure below shows seasonal changes in Unit Charge of M3 tariff
Seasonal Changes of Unit Charge (M3 example electricity tariff)