Calculation of land use demand at nodes

Land Use Demand is allocated to nodes via the Land Use Page of the Node Property Sheet.

In the Land Use grid in the property sheet, Land Use definitions are assigned to the node and a contributing area for each type of land use is allocated to the node. The demand values displayed in the read only cells of the grid are calculated using data from the allocated Land Use definition or from a Land Use Polygon (specified in the Polygon ID field).

The values displayed in the Land Use Page are then used to calculate the Land Use demand at the node. The calculated demand can be viewed on the Node Demand Page of the property sheet.

Land Use Page - Calculation of Demand Values

Demand information in the read only cells in the Land Use Page of the Node Property Sheet is calculated using data from either the selected Land Use Definition or from a Land Use Polygon, (specified in the Polygon ID field).

Land Use values in the Node Property Sheet are calculated as follows:

Land Use Page Field Calculated from Land Use Data Calculated from Polygon Data

Number of Properties

Calculated as:

Property Density x Area x Proportion



Property Density is from Land Use

Proportion is from Land Use

Area is Area field in Land Use Tab of the Node Property Sheet

Calculated as:

No. of Props x (Area/Polygon Area) x Proportion



No. of Props is from Polygon

Proportion is from Land Use

Area is Area field in Land Use Tab of the Node Property Sheet

Demand Density

Land Use Demand Density

Calculated from polygon values:

Land Use Demand / Polygon Area


Property Density

Land Use Property Density

Calculated from polygon values:

No. of Props / Polygon Area

Specific Consumption

Land Use Specific Consumption

Polygon Specific Consumption

Land Use Demand

Land Use Land Use Demand

Polygon Land Use Demand


Land Use Proportion

Land Use Proportion

Node Demand Page - Calculation of Land Use Demand

The demand values calculated on the Land Use Page of the Node Property Sheet are used to calculate the land use demand assigned to the node. This demand can be viewed on the Node Demand Page of the node property sheet and is calculated as follows:

Land Use Calculation Method Demand Calculation

Demand Density

Average Demand = Demand Density x Area x Proportion

Property Density

No. of Properties = Property Density x Area x Proportion


Specific Consumption = Specific Consumption

Land Use Demand

Average Demand = (Area/Land Use Area) x Land Use Demand x Proportion

Allocating Land Use Demand to Nodes

Land Use Definitions

Assigning Demand to Nodes

Land Use Page

Node Demand Page