Links grid window

The Links grid window contains a different spreadsheet style grid for each type of network link object.

Each column in the grid contains data for a particular field, with each row in the grid listing the values for a single object.

See Network Object Grid Views for information specific to Network Object Grids, and Editing Data in the Network Object Grid Views for more general information about grid editing.

Open the Links Grid set using the button, or select Window | Grid windows | New links window.

Links grid pages

The Links grid pages are listed in the table below. More information about the data in each column of the grids can be found in the corresponding data fields topic.

Links grid pages Data fields topic

Float Valve / Inlet

Float Valve Data Fields


Meter Data Fields

Non Return Valve

Non Return Valve Data Fields


Basic Pipe Data Fields


Pump Curve Data Fields

Pump Station

Pumping Station Data Fields

About open channels Open Channel Data Fields

Valve / Control Valve

Valve Data Fields

Valve Curve (See Valve topic for more information)

Valve Curve Data Fields

Note on Valve grid page

The Valve grid page shows both control valves and all other non-control valves.

Control valves are any valves with control data associated with them, with the exception of a throttle valve (THV) with a percentage opening of zero.

If the network is opened without control data, all valves will be displayed as non-control valves.

Results replay

When viewing results of a simulation, the Link Results grid window can be used to display time varying data for objects in the network. Open the Link Results grid window using the button. More information about the results data in each column of the grid can be found in the data fields topics listed above.

See Viewing Replays of a Simulation and Results on Grid Views for more about replaying results using grid views. All the basic grid functions, like sorting or copy and paste can be used when viewing results.

Network Object Grid Views

Editing Data in the Network Object Grid Views
