Importing from EACSD Format

Collection network data can be imported from a text file in EACSD format.


The importer supports EACSD v3.2 files only

To import network data from EACSD format files:

  1. Open the network to be updated
  2. Select Import |Import EACSD network data from the Network menu. This displays a standard Windows File Open dialog.
  3. Select the .txt file to be imported and click Open

An import log will be displayed with any conversion errors or warnings.

For details of the objects imported and conversions made by the imported, see the Conversion Notes below.

Conversion Notes

The following groups are read by the importer:

EACSD Group EACSD Group name Conversion Notes
File Header File_header

The following fields are read by the EACSD importer:

EACSD field InfoWorks ICM field
EACSD_V The EACSD importer checks that the EACSD_V field is present and set to 3.2. Files with a different version number will not be imported.
  • NFCDD_Watercourse_Ref
  • NFCDD_Reach_Ref
  • NFCDD_Sub-reach_Ref
  • Watercourse_Name

InfoAsset Manager link IDs are created based on the values read from the EACSD fields separated by underscores.

If any of the fields are not defined in the EACSD file, a default reference is used.

Watercourse centre-line string co-ordinates Centre-line_String

The EACSD watercourse centre-line string co-ordinates are imported as a Channel link.

Connection nodes are created at the first and last point.

Vertices in the link are created at intermediate points.

Cross section header Cross-section_Header

InfoAsset Manager creates a cross section survey for each value of S encountered in the group with ID set to EACSD Section_Name appended by the value of S to make the ID unique.

Cross section data points Cross-section_Data_Points

InfoAsset Manager imports section data into the cross section survey from the following:

EACSD field InfoWorks ICM field
E X coordinate
N Y coordinate


Long section data points



InfoAsset Manager creates a general survey line with points data imported from the following:

EACSD field InfoWorks ICM field
E X coordinate
N Y coordinate



A separate general survey line is imported for each attribute type, except for attribute type PI, which is ignored.

Importing Network Data


Cross Section Surveys

General Surveys and General Survey Lines