General Surveys and General Survey Lines
The General Survey and General Survey Line objects can be used to store survey or inspection data for asset objects that are not associated with any of the other specific InfoAsset Manager survey types.
- The General Survey is a point survey with single X, Y coordinate location data.
- The General Survey Line is a linear survey with section profile X, Y, Z coordinate data.
The X, Y location and condition data stored in the survey can be used to update asset location and condition information in the network. See the Updating the Network from General Survey Data topic for further details.
General Surveys can be:
- Created as scheduled tasks. Please refer to the Digitising Network Objects and Scheduled Tasks topics for further information.
- Entered manually in the General Survey Grid View and the General Survey Line Grid View in the Survey Grid. Please refer to the Digitising Network Objects topic for further information.
General surveys and general survey lines can also be viewed and edited from the General Survey Grid View in the Survey Grid .
Subsequently, the data may be merged into the InfoAsset Manager Network according to a specific set of rules, summarised as:
- Add newly surveyed assets to the network.
- Update existing assets in the network.
Once a survey’s data has been incorporated into the network, its used in network field is set to allow the user to distinguish between newly added surveys and those that have already been processed. By this approach, InfoAsset Manager provides an audit trail of all the collected survey data, alongside an up to date interpretation of the data in the network.
Reports providing a summary and detailed information about selected surveys in the network are available. See the Survey Reports topic for further information.
Validation is available to ensure that the survey is associated with existing assets in the network.
Use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the survey tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open
the Property Sheet for the associated asset, resources and materials, or for other surveys associated with the asset.
Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.