General Survey Data Fields (Collection)

General Survey data can be edited on either the General Survey Grid Window of the Survey Grid or the General Survey Property Sheet.

To view and edit all general survey data, use the Property Sheet.

The following describes all the data which can be used to define a general survey.

Common Data Fields

Fields that are common to the majority of objects can be found in the Common Fields topic.

General Survey Data

Database Table Name: cams_general_survey

Show Columns

Database Names

Size, Type and Units

Defaults and Error Limits

Field Name

Help Text

Database Field

Data Type





Error Lower Limit

Error Upper Limit

Warning Lower Limit

Warning Upper Limit


The name of the object.

The ID is the primary key in the database for the network object. This means that the ID field of each object must be unique for all objects of the same object type.

id Text 40   0          
Asset type

Type of asset associated with the survey.

(To associate the survey with a pipe, use the US node ID, DS node ID and Link suffix fields.)

Database Value


cams_ancillary User Ancillary
cams_channel Channel
cams_connection_node Connection Node
cams_connection_pipe Connection Pipe
cams_data_logger Data Logger
cams_defence_structure Defence Structure
cams_defence_area Defence Area
cams_flume Flume
cams_general_asset General Asset
cams_generator Generator
cams_manhole Node
cams_orifice Orifice
cams_outlet Outlet
cams_property Property
cams_pump Pump
cams_pump_station Pump Station
cams_screen Screen
cams_siphon Siphon
cams_sluice Sluice
cams_storage Storage Area
cams_valve Valve
cams_vortex Vortex
cams_weir Weir
cams_wtw Treatment Works
cams_zone Zone

The options available in the dropdown list depend on which coding standard is being used. See the Standards and Choice Lists dialog for further information.

The dropdown list will also contain every user defined asset that has been specified for the network.

asset_type Text 100              
Asset ID

Asset ID of associated asset.

(To associate the survey with a pipe, use the US node ID, DS node ID and Link suffix fields.)

asset_id Text 40              
US node ID

Upstream node ID of surveyed pipe.

(Used when survey is associated with a pipe.)

us_node_id Text 40   0          
DS node ID

Downstream node ID of surveyed pipe

(Used when survey is associated with a pipe.)

ds_node_id Text 40   0          
Link suffix

Link suffix of surveyed pipe.

(Used when survey is associated with a pipe.)

link_suffix Text 1   0          
Survey type

Database Value


Survey type 1 Survey type 1
Survey type 2 Survey type 2

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

survey_type Text 100              
Survey date Date that survey was carried out. survey_date Date / Time     0          
Used in network Check box indicating whether the survey has been used to update the network. used_in_network Boolean     0          
Current The Current field shows which surveys have been used to update the network to its current state. On update of the network from General Surveys, the most recent survey for an asset will be used. The Current field of the most recent survey will be checked. The Current field of earlier surveys previously used to update the network will be unchecked. current Boolean                
Location Address / description of the location of the asset location Text 100   0          
Defect type

Database Value


Defect type 1 Defect type 1
Defect type 2 Defect type 2

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

defect_type Text 100              
Defect description

Additional information regarding defect selected in Defect type field.

defect_description Text 100              
Hazard type

Database Value


Hazard type 1 Hazard type 1
Hazard type 2 Hazard type 2

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

hazard_type Text 100              
Overall condition A measure of the condition of the surveyed asset. overall_condition Long Integer     0       0 5
X coordinate X coordinate of the object. x Double   XY 2          
Y coordinate Y coordinate of the object. y Double   XY 2          
Scheduled Task fields See Common Data Fields - Scheduled Task fields for details of all fields in the Schedule Info, Progress Info and Resources sections of the property sheet.                    

Click the button to display the Attachments Editor, used to attach and manage photos, sketches and other files associated with the network object.

See Attachments Editor and Common Data Fields for further details

attachments Array                
General properties fields See Common Data Fields for details of field in the General properties section of the property sheet.                    
User defined properties fields See Common Data Fields - User Fields for details of fields in the User defined properties section of the property sheet.                    

General Surveys and General Survey Lines

Survey Grid

Network Data Fields

Common Data Fields