
The data in the database is organised into a flexible hierarchy, which groups the elements of the database into manageable units.

The Group can be used to represent the main divisions within the database as the top level of the hierarchy. A Group can contain one or more Model Groups and Network Groups.

Additional levels can be created in the database hierarchy by defining subsidiary groups within a top level Group. For example, if a Group represents a client, then this may contain a lower level Model Group for each major project with that client.

The Group and its contents are managed using the Explorer Window.

Create a group

To create a top-level Group:

  1. Right-click a database in the Explorer Window.
  2. Select New | Group from the popup menu. The New Name Group dialog is displayed.
  3. In this dialog, type a name for the Group or accept the default name.

For a lower-level Group, right-click on an existing Group in the Explorer Window and follow Steps 2 and 3 above.

Database Items

Workgroup and Standalone Databases

Asset Group