Approve Scheduled Tasks Dialog

This dialog is used for approving, rejecting or putting on hold a selection of scheduled tasks sharing the same approval level.

This dialog is purely used to make a record that task approvals have been managed in InfoAsset Manager, not to monitor individual approvals.

The dialog is displayed when Scheduling | Approve scheduled tasks is selected from the Network menu.

Approve Scheduled Tasks dialog

Dialog description



Approval level

Approval level associated to the selected scheduled tasks.


Number of selected tasks

Number of selected tasks, with, if there is only one selected task, the task ID.


New approval status

Dropdown list with the available approval statuses.

Select the desired status to apply to the selected scheduled tasks.

Default value is Approved.

Number of approvals

Number of approvals required for this approval level.


Approving officers

Names of the approving officers available for this approval level.

Tick the checkboxes in front of the names of the approving officers.


If approving tasks, you must tick at least as many names as there are required approvals. Only one name can be ticked to reject or put scheduled tasks on hold.


Optional comments.

Approving officers may enter their comments in this box.


Comments entered here will appear in the scheduled task property sheet, along with the names of the approving officers and a user and date stamp. This data is read-only and can be found in the Approval history box (Notes section for tabbed property sheets or Schedule Info section in the Object Properties Window).


A warning message is displayed if the number of required approvals has not been met when the user clicks on the OK button at the bottom of the dialog. Click on OK on the warning message and amend as appropriate.

Scheduled Tasks

Approval Level

Managing Approval Statuses and Levels

Approving, rejecting or putting Scheduled Tasks on hold