Flood Defence Defects Data Editor

This data editor is used to provide details of any defects found during a flood defence survey. The editor is displayed either:

Defects Data

Database Table Name: cams_defence_survey_details


Show Columns

Database Names

Size, Type and Units

Defaults and Error Limits

Field Name


Database Field

Data Type





Error Lower Limit

Error Upper Limit

Warning Lower Limit

Warning Upper Limit

Element type A dropdown of the type of defective element to which this defect applies. element_type Text 30   0          
Element material A dropdown of the type of material used for the defective element. element_material Text 30   0          
Weighted condition grading


Automatically calculated by multiplying the Condition grading component value by the Condition grading value. The result is rounded to nearest integer.

weighted_condition_grading Long Integer     0          
Chainage from (m) The distance in meters from the start of the chainage to the start of the defect on the structure. chainage_from Double   L 3          
Chainage to (m) The distance in meters from the end of the defect on the structure to the start of the chainage. chainage_to Double   L 3          
X from (m) The X coordinate for the start point of the defect on the defence structure. x_from Double   XY 2          
Y from (m) The Y coordinate for the start point of the defect on the defence structure. y_from Double   XY 2          
X to (m) The X coordinate for the end point of the defect on the defence structure. x_to Double   XY 2          
Y to (m) The Y coordinate for the end point of the defect on the defence structure. y_to Double   XY 2          
Inspection completed A check box which indicates whether or not the inspection of the defect is complete. inspection_completed Boolean     0          
Condition grading score A score assigned to the condition of this defect. condition_grading_score Long Integer     0          
Condition grading type A value which describes the defected part of the structure. This can be selected from a dropdown, which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. condition_grading_type Text 40   0          
Condition grading A value assigned to the condition of the defect. This can be selected from a dropdown, which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. condition_grading Text 40   0          
Condition grading component condition_grading_component Double     0          
Condition details A description of the condition of the defect. condition_details Text 200   0          
Condition grade accuracy A value which indicates the accuracy of the condition grading. condition_grade_accuracy Long Integer     0          
Asset type The asset type for this defect. This can be selected from a drop-down list, which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. asset_type Text 40   0          
Digital photo chainages Reference to an image file of the chainage which contains the defect. digital_photo_chainages Text 255   0          
Digital photo ref Reference to an image file of the defect. digital_photo_ref Text 255   0          
Ownership The owner of the defence structure which contains the defect. This can be selected from a dropdown, which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. ownership Text 40   0          
Repaired Indicates whether or not the repair of the defect is complete. repaired Text 10   0          


Click OK to save the defects information or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Flood Defence Survey Data Fields