Flood Defence Survey Data Fields

Flood defence survey data can be edited on either the Flood Defence tab of the Survey Grid or the Flood defence Survey Property Sheet.

To view and edit all survey data, use the Property Sheet.

The following describes all the data which can be used to define a flood defence survey.

Common Data Fields

Fields that are common to the majority of objects can be found in the Common Fields topic.

Flood Defence Survey Data

Database Table Name: cams_flood_defence_survey

Show Columns

Database Names

Size, Type and Units

Defaults and Error Limits

Field Name

Help Text

Database Field

Data Type





Error Lower Limit

Error Upper Limit

Warning Lower Limit

Warning Upper Limit


The name of the object.

The ID is the primary key in the database for the network object. This means that the ID field of each object must be unique for all objects of the same object type.

id Text 40   0          
Survey date Date that survey was carried out. This date can be selected from a drop-down calendar. survey_date Date / Time     0          
Used in network Check box indicating whether the survey has been used to update the network. used_in_network Boolean     0          
Current Shows which surveys have been used to update the network to its current state. On update of the network from General Surveys, the most recent survey for an asset will be used. The current field of the most recent survey will be checked. The current field of earlier surveys previously used to update the network will be unchecked. current Boolean                
Defence structure ID The name or identifier for this flood defence structure. defence_structure_id Text 40   0          
Location Address / description of the location of the asset. location Text 100   0          
Length The length in meters of the flood defence structure. length Double   L 3          
Points An array of X/Y values which describe the geometry of the defence structure. The points are entered on the Section Data Editor which is displayed by clicking on the button. point_array Array     0          
Asset ID Asset reference used by the inspecting organisation. asset_id Text 30   0          
Asset category

Category of asset as defined in AIMS, which can be selected from the dropdown list.

Database Value



The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

asset_category Text 40   0          
Surveyed by Name of the surveyor. surveyed_by Text 25   0          
Property protected domestic Check box indicating if the defence structure protects domestic properties. property_protected_domestic Boolean     0          
Property protected commercial Check box indicating if the defence structure protects commercial properties. property_protected_commerical Boolean     0          
Property protected land Check box indicating if the defence structure protects land. property_protected_land Boolean     0          
Number of dwellings The number of domestic buildings protected by the defence structure. number_of_dwellings Long Integer     0          
Number of commercial The number of commercial buildings protected by the defence structure. number_of_commerical Long Integer     0          
Breach likely The likelihood or chance of a breach in the defence structure occurring. breach_likely Long Integer     0          
Danger to life The likelihood or chance of a breach in the defence structure causing damage to life. danger_to_life Long Integer     0          
Damage to structure The likelihood or chance of a breach in the defence structure causing damage to the defence structure. damage_to_structure Long Integer     0          
Damage to crops The likelihood or chance of a breach in the defence structure causing damage to crops. damage_to_crops Long Integer                
Tie in to high ground upstream   tie_in_to_high_ground_upstream Long Integer     0          
Tie in to high ground downstream   tie_in_to_high_ground_downstream Long Integer     0          
Condition grading score The score assigned to the condition of this defence structure. condition_grading_score Long Integer     0          
Condition grading type The description of the grading type for the defence structure. This can be selected from a drop-down list, which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. condition_grading_type Text 40   0          
Condition grading A description of the condition of the defence structure. This can be selected from a drop-down list which is populated according to the entries in the Choice Lists for the flood defence survey. condition_grading Text 40   0          
Action required A description of the action required as a result of the survey. action_required Long Integer     0          
System condition override score Use for altering the condition grade of an element in case of 'Element Not Inspected' (ENI) because a previous inspection grade is still valid. Alternatively,for downgrading the condition grade of the asset where a 9-weighted element is in poorer condition than the calculated condition. system_over_score Long Integer     0          
Inspector condition override score The overall condition of the asset based on the inspector's final decision. inspect_over_score Long Integer     0          
Inspection recommendations The work needed to bring the asset back to target condition, or keep the asset at target condition. inspect_reason Text 100   0          
Inspection reason The reason for the inspection. inspect_recomend Text 25   0          
Details The details, including location, of any defects found in the defence structure. The defects are entered on the Flood Defence Defects Data Editor which is displayed by clicking on the button. details                  
Schedule info See Common Data Fields - Scheduled Task fields for details of all fields in the Schedule Info, Progress Info and Resources sections of the property sheet.   Text 40   0          

Click the button to display the Attachments Editor, used to attach and manage photos, sketches and other files associated with the network object.

See Attachments Editor and Common Data Fields for further details

attachments Array                
General properties fields See Common Data Fields for details of field in the General properties section of the property sheet.                    
User defined properties fields See Common Data Fields - User Fields for details of fields in the User defined properties section of the property sheet.                    

Section Data Editor

Flood Defence Defects Data Editor

General Surveys and General Survey Lines

Survey Grid

Network Data Fields

Common Data Fields