Inference Rules - CCTV Link Suffix

Missing network parameters can be inferred from existing data, allowing gaps in data to be filled in with reasonable values.

Inference data is edited on the Inference Data Editor.

The CCTV: Match Link Suffix with Pipe Suffix rule is used to infer the link suffix field of CCTV Surveys with this field missing.

The link suffix is inferred from the suffix of a single pipe with the same upstream and downstream node IDs as the CCTV survey. Inference will not take place if multiple pipes with the same upstream and downstream node IDs are found.

This inference rule will typically be used to associate CCTV surveys with the correct pipe.

Inferring Missing Values

Inference Rules - Node Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - Pipe Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - Pipe Clean Pipes

Inference Rules - Property Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - Proximity Testing (Collection)

Inference Data Editor