Inference Rules - Node Parameters (Collection)

Missing data values can be inferred from existing data, allowing gaps in data to be filled with reasonable values.

Inference data is edited on the Inference Data Editor.

The following parameters can be inferred for nodes:


Inferred from

Chamber Floor Depth

Values are inferred from Depth From Cover values of connected pipes.

Node Chamber Floor Depth is inferred as the greatest value found from the following:

  • US Depth From Cover of connected downstream pipes
  • DS Depth From Cover of connected upstream pipes


Upstream and Downstream node positions and pipe lengths.

See Coordinates section below for more details.

Ground Level

Node ground levels can be inferred for any node where these values are missing.

There are three methods by which ground level can be inferred:

  • Infer from Ground Model currently loaded on the GeoPlan.
  • Infer from Ground Level of surrounding nodes within a specified Search Radius. (See Ground Level from Surroundings section below).
  • Infer from Cover Level at the node. Ground Level will be set equal to the Cover Level at the node.

Cover Level

Values inferred from Ground Level at node.

Cover Level will be set equal to Ground Level at the node.

Inferring Missing Values

Inference Rules - Pipe Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - CCTV Link Suffix

Inference Rules - Pipe Clean Pipes

Inference Rules - Property Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - Proximity Testing (Collection)

Inference Data Editor