Inference Rules - Pipe Parameters (Collection)

Missing data values can be inferred from existing data, allowing gaps in data to be filled in with reasonable values.

Inference data is edited on the Inference Data Editor.

The following can be inferred for pipes:


Inferred From

Upstream / Downstream Invert Level

There are five methods by which invert level can be inferred:

Invert from Cover Level

Pipe US Invert Level and DS Invert Level values are inferred from connected node Cover Level values:


US Invert Level


US Node Cover Level


Pipe US Depth from Cover


DS Invert Level


DS Node Cover Level


Pipe DS Depth from Cover


If either the node Cover Level or pipe Depth from Cover are not defined, inference will not be carried out.

Invert from Lowest Soffit

Pipe US Invert Level and DS Invert Level values are inferred from the lowest soffit level of pipes connected to the node at which the pipe invert level is missing.

  • Incoming Pipes:

DS Invert Level


Lowest Soffit  of outgoing pipes


Pipe DS Height

  • Outgoing Pipes


US Invert Level


Lowest Soffit of incoming pipes


Pipe US Height

See the Invert from Lowest Soffit section below for further details.

Invert from Gradients

Pipe US Invert Level and DS Invert Level values, for a pipe with one missing invert level, are inferred from the pipe's known invert level and the shallowest gradient of connecting pipes.


US Invert Level


DS Invert Level




DS Invert Level


US Invert Level



Where DH = Shallowest gradient of connected pipes multiplied by length of pipe to be inferred.

See the Invert from Gradients section below for further details.

Invert from Lateral Connection

The invert level at a lateral connection is inferred from invert levels of the pipe to which it is attached, and the ratio of the distances of the lateral connection from the upstream and downstream nodes of the main pipe.

See the Invert from Lateral Connection section below for an example.

Invert Interpolate from Inverts

The invert level of a pipe is inferred by linear interpolation between known upstream and downstream inverts.

See the Interpolate from Inverts section below for an example.


Pipe Length is inferred from pipe geometry (coordinates of connected nodes and bend locations).

  • If the coordinates of a connected node are not defined, a location of (0,0) will be assumed.
  • If an US Invert Leveland DS Invert Level for the pipe are defined, the Gradient of the pipe will also be calculated and flagged with the Inference flag, (if set).


Gradient is calculated as:

Pipes must have an US Invert Level, DS Invert Level and Length> 0 for inference to be carried out.

System Type

Pipe System Type is inferred from connected node System Type values.

Pipe System Type = US node System Type = DS node System Type

The System Type of upstream and downstream nodes must be identical for a value to be inferred.

Size and Shape

Height, Width and Shape can be inferred from upstream and downstream pipes. Shape will only be inferred if the Infer Shape parameter is checked in the Inference Editor.

If an upstream or downstream size or shape value of a pipe is missing, the missing value is inferred from:

  • Known Height, Width or Shape at upstream / downstream end of pipe if available.
  • If neither end of the pipe has a known value, InfoAsset Manager searches upstream from the pipe until a value is found or until a branch in the network is found. If a value is found, the missing pipe values will be inferred from this upstream value.
  • If an upstream value is not found, InfoAsset Managersearches downstream from the pipe until a value is found or until a branch in the network is found. If a value is found, the missing pipe values will be inferred from this downstream value.
  • If no values are found, inference will not be carried out.

Start and End Nodes

Use the Add manhole if node does not exist rule, to add nodes to the nodeless ends of pipes.

A node of type manhole will be created at the end of pipes with an US Node ID or DS Node ID (that is not a reserved node name) where the node does not exist in the network.

Inferring Missing Values

Inference Rules - Node Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - CCTV Link Suffix

Inference Rules - Pipe Clean Pipes

Inference Rules - Property Parameters (Collection)

Inference Rules - Proximity Testing (Collection)

Inference Data Editor