Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment tool is used to calculate a pipe risk score indicating overall risk of structural failure, based on consequence of failure and likelihood of failure scores.

The Risk Assessment Editor is used to specify a matrix defining the relationship between risk, likelihood and consequence of failure. The Risk score field of pipes in the network can then be updated using the risk score matrix.

To open the editor drag the Risk Assessment object from the tree to the main window, or right click on the Risk Assessment object and select Open from the context menu.


Pipe Consequence score values may be automatically calculated by using the Consequence Calculator.

Pipe Likelihood score values may be automatically calculated by using the Lifetime Estimator.

Likelihood score values may also be populated from CCTV survey data by Updating Pipe Condition from CCTV Data.

The Risk Assessment object is also used by the Rehabilitation Planner to assess reduction in risk when recommending repair plans for the network.

Updating the network using the Risk Assessment tool

To update the network using the Risk Assessment tool:

The Risk score field of pipes in the network will be updated according to the pipe Likelihood score, Consequence score and the values set in the risk score matrix in the Risk Assessment Editor.

If a risk score cannot be determined from the risk score matrix, the Risk score for the pipe will be set to -1.000.

If the Likelihood score and/or Consequence score for a pipe have not been set, the Risk score for the pipe will not be updated.

Risk Assessment Editor

Lifetime Estimator

Consequence Calculator

Calculating Consequence Scores

Rehabilitation Planner