Map Tile Server dialog

This dialog (in two variants) is used to set the default background map tile server settings, including the tile server to be used to open internal Internet maps. For Android, internal maps use the Android OSMDROID component to get Internet tiles from specific servers.

The appropriate dialog is displayed when you select the ellipsis button from the Android Map Tile Server property or the Background Map Tile Server property in the Application dialog.

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Android Map Tile Server Dialog

Map Tile Server dialog

Option Description
Server type

The type of tile server to be used to open internal Internet maps.

Bing Arial

Selecting any Bing option will make all three Bing map types available on the map.

The selection made here sets which one of the three is the default map type.

Bing Hybrid

Bing Roads

User Defined

Not for Android.


Not for Android.

Zoom, X, Y  
Zoom, Y, X  

Server URL(s) /

Server URL

The server URL used to locate the tiles.

For Android, this can be a | separated list. For example: http://a.tile.gisserver/|http://b.tile.gisserver/|http://c.tilegisserver/

For the User Defined server type, this should contain {LEVEL}, {ROW}, {COL} and optionally {QUADKEY}.

For the WMTS server type, this should be the WMTS URL or the WMTS Service information separated by | in the format {Get Capabilities} | {Get Tile} | {Version (optional)}. Use {TileMatrix}. {TileRow} and {TileCol} where required in the Get Tile URL.

Tile file extension

Does not apply to Bing or WMTS map server types.

The file extension used to indicate type of file.

Default is png.

API Key The API key for use with the Bing and user defined map servers.
Minimum zoom level

Does not apply to Bing map server types.

Specifies the minimum zoom level.

Default is 0.

Maximum zoom level

Does not apply to Bing map server types.

Specifies the maximum zoom level.

Default is 23.

Tile size in pixels

Does not apply to Bing map server types.

The size of a tile in pixels.

Default is 256.


Not available for Bing or WMTS map server types.

Text entered here is used to put a text overlay on the bottom right of the map. This is normally required as an acknowledgement if you are using OpenMap source maps.


Does not apply to Bing map server types.

Opens the Choose Coordinate System dialog.

Clear After confirmation, clears the specified server URL(s).


Saves any changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the operation.


Application dialog