Application History dialog

This dialog is displayed when the History... button of the Manage Application dialog is clicked for a selected application.

The dialog shows a tree view containing each version of the application. Expanding an Application node shows the related version, date and user information.

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Item Description
User Shows the last person to have edited the application.
In Edit Corresponds to the user currently editing the application OR the user who created the subsequent version. 
Date The last saved date or last upload date for this application version

Expanding this node displays information about each form (last published date and last user who edited this version of the form) for the application version.

Tip: Several versions of a form can appear under each application version. This is because an application is only versioned when either a form is added/deleted OR a property of the application itself is modified (see Application dialog). Updating a form will therefore not create a new version of the application.
