Download Reports dialog

This dialog is used to specify the reports to be downloaded.

The dialog is displayed when Download is selected from the Reports group of the Synchronize tab.

ClosedShow image



Group Command Description
Reports View


Causes the bottom grid to be populated with all the reports available for download that match the search criteria.

Note: If <All> is selected in the Form dropdown list and no other filter is applied, you will see a warning message that you need to provide additional search criteria.



Initiates the downloading of the selected reports.


Closes the dialog.
Options Close After Download If checked, closes the dialog after the selected reports have been downloaded.
Download Attachments If checked, downloads attachments at the same time as the reports they relate to.
Include Large

Available when Download Attachments is checked.

If checked, downloads large attachments when any attachments are being downloaded.


Dropdown list containing all existing forms.

Select a specific form to view the reports for, or select <All> to return reports generated using all the forms available in the current application.

Top pane

This pane consists of several tabs and allows you to filter the reports more efficiently (optional).

It is highly recommended to make full use of the filtering facility especially if there is a large number of reports in the system.

Searching for reports to download can be implemented by report title, special instructions, work package, work package type, last saved date, schedule and report status. A combination of filters can be used to narrow down the search, for example, search reports by name and by status.



Report title.

Special instructions

InfoAsset Manager additional instructions that the person carrying out work on the asset or task should be aware of. Available only when ShowSpecialInstructions has been enabled for the current application.

Work package

Available only when Show Work Package has been enabled for the current application.

Work package type

Available only when Show Work Package and Show Work Package Type have been enabled for the current application.

Note: When searching using one or more criteria, you can type in part of the searched text or the full text. Wildcard search is implemented by default, therefore it is not necessary to type in the *.



The earliest date that should be considered.


The latest date that should be considered.


Date at which the report was:

  • Completed/Resolved

    Tip: This option applies only to completed reports and will be available only if the Show Completed Resolved Data property is enabled for the current application.

  • Last saved
  • Scheduled


Report schedule information such as resource.

Tip: Schedule date range, if applicable, is selected from the Date tab.


This section allows you to narrow down the search by report status:

  • Report status: Options are Saved and Completed, Saved and Completed.
  • Closed status - Any (default), Not Closed, Closed.
  • Task phase - Relates to the Task Phase field in InfoAsset Manager and the permitted values come from reports that have the Task Phase field.
  • Work Order Status - Only available if Work Order Approval has been enabled for the application.

Bottom grid

Grid showing the reports that are available for download. Each row collates details about a report.

Check box

Ticked boxes indicate to download the corresponding report.


Report title


Version of the report. This corresponds to the number of times the report has been updated (this can be the result of an edit in InfoAsset Mobile or in InfoAsset Manager).

Scheduled Resource

Resource the scheduled report has been allocated to.

Scheduled Date

Date at which the corresponding survey/incident or repair has been scheduled.

Last Saved Date

Date at which the report was last saved.

Task Phase

Phase of the task. See Top Pane row above.

Work Order Approval

Work Order Approval status. See Top Pane row above.

If Work Order Approval is not required, Not Required will be displayed.


User who uploaded the report. System indicates that it was exported from InfoAsset Manager by the system.


Report status.


Downloading reports