Publish Application dialog

This dialog is displayed when:

Note: A warning message may be displayed to System Administrators and Administrators before the Publish Application dialog is shown. This message is displayed when there are In Development forms present for the current application and network, and offers the option to clear the In Development flag for these forms.

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Publish Application dialog



New forms window

Window containing all new forms for the selected application. Any new form is ticked by default, indicating that it will be published once the Publish button is pressed.

Changed window

Window containing:

  • all the edited forms for the selected application

    Tip: Checkboxes adjacent to changed forms are not ticked by default and will require checking if you want them published.

  • an <Application> entry whenever the application has been edited (using the Application dialog)
  • a <Maps> entry that encompasses all the new maps that have been created and the existing maps that have been edited locally
  • a <Map Layers> entry including all the new layers that have been created and the existing layers that have been edited locally

    Tip: Checkboxes adjacent to <Application>, <Maps> and <Map layers> are checked by default and cannot be de-selected.


Publishes the selected application, forms, maps, and layers.


Aborts the publishing process and closes the dialog.
