Exporting reports to CSV

This functionality is available only in the Office version and only for Administrators and System Administrators.

To export reports to CSV:

  1. In the Reports group of the Reports tab, select CSV Export.

    The CSV Export dialog is displayed.

  2. Select the form that constitutes the template of the report you want to export in the Form dropdown list.
  3. If required, specify which report status to search for in the Selection dropdown list.
  4. In the Date Range section, specify:
    • a date type to filter on (optional)
    • a range of dates to filter on, using From and To (optional). The default range is the one set for scheduling (see Options dialog).
  5. Click the Next button to access the next page of the dialog.
  6. If the Selection option selected is of the type "...by selection", select one or more reports in the displayed list of reports, then click Next.
  7. Specify file format and content settings for the export, or load a previously saved configuration by using the Load configuration... option of the File menu.
    • If you have not selected a previously saved configuration file, select any controls you want to export from the Control box on the left to the Selected Controls box on the right, by using the available buttons described in the CSV Export dialog topic.
    • If the current settings may be used for future imports, you may want to save them in a configuration file by selecting the Save configuration as... option from the File menu.
  8. Click the Export button on the CSV Export dialog.

    A standard Windows Save As dialog is displayed.

  9. Browse to select a location.
  10. Type in a filename and click Save.

    A confirmation message telling you that the export has been successful is displayed.

  11. To open the CSV file, click Yes, or to close the CSV Export dialog click No.
