Moving reports on maps

Map aware reports with X and Y coordinates can be moved directly on the map.

Tip: Map-aware reports based on multi-linear objects (GeometryCountField and GeometryFieldform fields) cannot be moved directly on the map.

To move a report on the map:

  1. On the Map tab, in the Reports group, click Move, then an object type.
  2. Click the report to move on the map.
  3. The Select A Report To Move dialog is displayed.

    If the pointer is close to more than one report, the dialog will list all the reports close to the pointer.

  4. Select the report to move in the grid so it is highlighted in blue.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click at the new location on the map.
  7. A message is displayed. ClosedShow image

  8. To move the report, click Yes.

    Clicking Cancel cancels the process and leaves the report at its old location.

    Clicking Retry allows you to click on a different new location on the map.

  9. The report has been edited and appears at its new location on the map.
