Report grid data entry tool

This tool lets you enter and update report grid data.

This tool is displayed on a report when the Use Form To Edit property of the selected report grid has been set to Yes or Popup at design time:

The fields present in the tool depend on which control elements were added to the report grid control when it was set up.

ClosedShow image of embedded tool

Report grid data entry tool - embedded

ClosedShow image of popup tool

Report grid data entry tool - popup

  Embedded tool Popup tool


Beneath the report grid. Disabled until launched.

Popup window. Hidden until launched.

Launching of the tool

The tool is launched using any of the following buttons available on the report grid control:

Add row to grid Add row to grid
Add row to grid copying previous entry Copy row
Insert Insert row

An alternative is to double-click an existing row.

The tool is launched using any of the following buttons available on the report grid control:

Add row to grid Add row to grid
Add row to grid copying previous entry Copy row
Insert Insert row
Edit row Edit row

An alternative is to double-click an existing row.

Saving of data

The information is updated into the report grid when each field has been edited and exited, not as it is being typed.

The information is updated into the report grid when the OK button is pressed.

Extra buttons on the report grid control


Edit row Edit row

Tool buttons


OK Closes the tool and saves the changes
Cancel Closes the tool and aborts data entry or update


Editing reports