Extending Selected Cross Sections

The left, right or both ends of selected cross sections can be automatically extended by a specified distance. If one or more bank lines are also selected, you can also choose to extend the selected cross sections to the intersections with the nearest bank lines provided the bank lines are located within the specified distance. If any selected bank line is located outside of the specified distance, you can choose to extend the end of the cross section by the specified distance.

If a ground model has been loaded onto the GeoPlan, you can choose to set the maximum spacing between the new vertices on the extended cross sections. You can also choose if any new cross section vertices should have their elevation set according to the ground model heights. This is an extremely useful feature if you have surveyed data for e.g. a main river channel and you want to use ground model data to generate elevations across the floodplain.

Extending Cross Sections

To extend cross sections:

  1. Select the following network objects on the GeoPlan:
  2. Ensure that the appropriate ground model is loaded on the GeoPlan if you want to have the heights of any newly generated cross section vertices automatically generated from the ground model, or want to set the spacing between the new vertices.
  3. Choose Geometry | Extend cross sections from the Model menu. This displays the Extend Selected Cross Sections dialog:

    ClosedShow me

    The options enabled in the dialog depend on what items have been selected on the GeoPlan and whether or not a Ground Model is loaded. See the Extend Selected Cross Sections Dialog topic for further information about the available options.

  4. Select the appropriate options in the dialog.
  5. Click OK to carry out the extension of selected cross sections. The extension process is outlined in the Cross Section Extension Process section below.

    An Extend Cross Sections Report will be displayed reporting number of cross sections extended, the number of failures and the reasons for any failures.

Cross Section Extension Process

Selected cross sections will be extended according to the parameters set in the Extend Selected Cross Sections dialog. Vertices will be added to the extended sections as follows:

The elevations of any newly added vertices will be null (unspecified) unless a ground model is loaded in the GeoPlan and the Populate extensions from ground model box is checked. In this case, the newly added vertices will have their elevations set to the ground model heights at those points.

If a ground model is loaded in the GeoPlan, and the Insert vertices on line extensions to give a maximum spacing of box is checked, additional points (with a maximum separation between them as specified on the dialog) are added to the cross section between the original left/right section end and the new left/right section end.

River Lines

Model Menu