NOAA ATLAS 14 Rainfall Generator

This generator is displayed when the NOAA ATLAS 14 Rainfall Generator button is selected from the Rainfall Generator dialog. It allows you to download, from the NOAA's Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS), NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates for specified locations within the United States. It can be used to download new storm data as a zip file or to edit or delete an existing file, and to import downloaded data, extracted from the zip file, to the rainfall event in the Rainfall Generator dialog.

The NOAA ATLAS 14 generator consists of a menu bar that contains the following options:

And the following rainfall generator pages:

See Generating NOAA Rainfall for information about how to use the NOAA ATLAS 14 rainfall generator to generate data for a NOAA design rainfall event.

Rainfall Generator Dialog

Design Rainfall Generators

Rainfall Events

Generating NOAA Rainfall