SWMM5 Conversion Notes for InfoWorks Networks

This section discusses how InfoWorks ICM converts existing SWMM5 network components into ICM InfoWorks network objects. Some data is not imported at all, or is only partially imported. Some SWMM5 objects are imported as more complex InfoWorks network objects, and additional data will be required to completely define these objects.


The versions of EPA SWMM supported by the importer are v5.0 to 5.1.015

The importer supports the following:

SWMM5 Section Conversion Notes Topic
[OPTIONS] See below
[POLLUTANTS] See below






SWMM5 Conversion - Nodes










SWMM5 Conversion - Links












SWMM5 Conversion - Subcatchments

Options Section [OPTIONS]

The following fields in the SWMM5 [OPTIONS] section are read by the importer:

SWMM5 Field Description Conversion Notes

Flow units choice of: CFS, GPM, MGD, CMS, LPS, MLD.

Default is CFS.

If FLOW_UNITS is set to CFS, GPM or MGD, US units will be set.

If FLOW_UNITS is set to CMS, LPS or MLD, Metric units will be set.


Model for computing infiltration of rainfall into the upper soil zone of subcatchments.

Default is HORTON.

Used to determine to which subcatchment and runoff surface fields data from the [INFILTRATION] Section should be applied.



ICMLiveRunoff volume type

Determines the convention used to specify the position of a link offset above the invert of its connecting node. DEPTH indicates that offsets are expressed as the distance between the node invert and the link while ELEVATION indicates that the absolute elevation of the offset is used.

Default is Depth

Used to determine whether offset values need to be converted to levels.

Defines whether the Hazen-Williams (H-W) or the Darcy-Weisbach (D-W) equation will be used to compute friction losses for pressurized flow in conduits that have been assigned a Circular Force Main cross-section shape.

Default is H-W

FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION – options are H-W or D-W.

Used to determine if conversion of roughness values are required when importing a conduit of type FORCE_MAIN.

See the Links conversion topic for further information.


Determines whether excess water is allowed to collect atop nodes and be re-introduced into the system as conditions permit.

Default is NO.

Used to define the node type.

If ALLOW_PONDING is set to NO the following node defaults are set:

Flood Type = Lost

Flood Depth 1 = 1.0m

Flood Area 1 = 100%

Flood Depth 2 = 100.0m

Flood Area 2 = 100%


If ALLOW_PONDING is set to YES the following node defaults are set:

Flood Type = Stored

Flood Depth 1 = 0.1m

Flood Area 1 = 100%

Flood Depth 2 = 99.0m

Flood Area 2 = 100%


Minimum surface area used at nodes when computing changes in water depth under dynamic wave routing.

Default is 12.566 ft2.

Used to set node Chamber Plan Area
SWEEP_START The month and day that the street sweep schedule started on.

Used to set the Sweep start month and Sweep start day in the Washoff section of the Water Quality and Sediment Parameters.

SWEEP_END The month and day that the street sweep schedule finished on.

Used to set the Sweep end month and Sweep end day in the Washoff section of the Water Quality and Sediment Parameters.

Pollutants Section [Pollutants]

The pollutants in the SWMM5 [POLLUTANTS] section are imported into the Washoff section of the Water Quality and Sediment Parameters. Imported SWMM5 [POLLUTANTS] that do not have a co-pollutant specified (shown as * in the SWMM5 (INP) import file) appear as rows in the Non-attached pollutants records while those pollutants that do have a co-pollutant specified appear as rows in the Potency factors records.

Non-attached Pollutants

Non-attached pollutants from the SWMM5 [POLLUTANTS] section are imported into the Non-attached pollutants records in the Washoff section of the Water Quality and Sediment Parameters.



InfoWorks ICM Data Field

Pollutant The mapping of SWMM5 pollutants to ICM determinants. Determinants
Crain Concentration of pollutant in rainfall. Rainfall concentration
Cgw Concentration of pollutant in groundwater. Groundwater concentration
Crdii Concentration of pollutant in inflow/infiltration. RDII concentration
SnowOnly True or False value which indicates whether or not pollutant buildup occurs only when there is snow cover. Build up only during snowfall

Note that where an INP file pollutant record has Units "UG/L" the value imported into InfoWorks ICM is divided by 1000.


Pollutants from the SWMM5 [POLLUTANTS] section that have a co-pollutant specified are imported into the Potency factors records in the Washoff section of the Water Quality and Sediment Parameters.



InfoWorks ICM Data Field

Pollutant The mapping of SWMM5 pollutants to ICM determinants. Determinants
Co-Pollutant If specified, InfoWorks ICM determines if this pollutant is to be assigned as Sediment Fraction SF1 or SF2. Sediment fraction
Co-Frac Fraction of co-pollutant concentration. Potency factor


Importing SWMM5 Network Data