Setting Population Values from GIS Data

Subcatchment population data can be imported from a GIS layer containing address point, seed point or census data.

The layer must be the correct type for your current GeoPlan map control:

Please refer to the GIS Layer Control Dialog topic for the full list of the supported formats for each map control.


Population data can only be imported to a network that has subcatchment data for boundaries and runoff areas.

Setting Subcatchment Population Values from GIS Data

The GIS layer can be loaded onto the GeoPlan in advance, or the file can be accessed directly without pre-loading.

To pre-load the GIS layer:

  1. Right click on the GeoPlan Window and choose GIS Layer control from the popup menu. This displays the GIS Layer Control Dialog.
  2. Click the Add button. Choose the theme containing the population data (address points or census data) in the File Open dialog.
  3. If the data is not displayed on the view, right-click the GeoPlan Window and select View entire GIS layer
  4. In the View Entire Layer dialog, select the layer and click on OK.

Only subcatchments with population fields set to flag #G (Geo) will be updated.

To set the #G flag on the population field of subcatchments:

  1. Click on or choose Grid windows | New subcatchments window from the Windowmenu to open the Subcatchment Grid Window of the Subcatchments Grid.
  2. Select the entire Populationcolumn and right click on one of the selected cells. Use the Flags option on the popup menu to set the flag to #G. This will change the cells to the #G colour and delete existing values. To set the #G flag for a selection of subcatchments only:
    1. Select subcatchments to be updated
    2. On the Subcatchment Grid View of the Subcatchments Grid, go to the Grid menu and choose Group network selections at top of grid.
    3. Now go to the Populationcolumn and select the population cell for all the selected subcatchments. This will not change the subcatchment selections.
    4. Change the flag for the selected cells to #G

To update subcatchment population fields with address point or census data:

  1. Ensure the GeoPlan Window is the active window and choose Subcatchment | Population data from address point counts or Subcatchment | Population data from census areas from the Model menu. This displays the Subcatchment Population Dialog.
  2. On the Subcatchment Population Dialog:
    • Choose data source file and file field containing population data
    • For address point data set a fixed value multiplier (people per address) or choose to use the value in the GIS data field
    • Select whether to update all subcatchments or currently selected subcatchments only
    • Set a flag to be applied to updated fields
    • For census data set reporting options
  3. Click OK to complete the data import process. The population for all (selected) subcatchments will be updated.