Simplification Options Dialog
This dialog is used to set editing options when Merging or Pruning, and is displayed when Simplify | Simplification options is selected from the Model menu.
Network Simplification Page
The Network Simplification Page is used to specify the parameters used for Merging and Pruning.
Click Define to display either the Merge dialog or the Prune dialog.
The Flag Identifier lets you to select a flag that is applied to all values changed when you carry out storage compensation. You can create a new flag by clicking New Flag. This displays the User Defined Flags dialog.
Similarity Specification Page
InfoWorks ICM allows you to merge a run of pipes with very similar gradients and diameters. The Similarity Specification Page is used to enter parameters that determine whether or not two pipes are deemed to be similar enough for them to be merged.
- Gradient similarity: Enter a value in the Tolerance box for gradient similarity and choose between Absolute and Relative values. An absolute value indicates that, to be merged, pipes must have gradients differing by not more than that value (in millimetres). A relative value indicates that, to be merged, pipes must have gradients within that percentage of each other.
- Dimension similarity: Enter a value in the Tolerance box for dimension similarity and choose between Absolute and Relative values. An absolute value indicates that, to be merged, pipes must have dimensions (both width and height) differing by not more that that value (in millimetres). A relative value indicates that, to be merged, pipes must have dimensions within that percentage of each other.
- Invert tolerance: Enter a value in the Maximum Difference box. To be merged, pipes must have inverts differing by not more than that value (in metres).