User Defined Validation Rules

User defined validation rules can be created to extend the capabilities of network validation. User defined rules are created and listed on the User Defined tab of the Engineering Validation dialog.

Edit the rule syntax on the Validation Rule Editor dialog that is automatically displayed when a new rule is created. It can also be displayed at any time for an existing rule by clicking the Edit button in the right hand column of the grid on the User Defined tab for the rule to be changed.

SQL Examples

Some example of user defined rules are included in the following table:

Object type


Conduit conduit_length > 500 OR conduit_length < 5;

This rule checks for the conduit length and will highlight any conduits which have their length populated with a value outside of the given range; less than 5 m or more than 500 m in this example.

This example is a customised version of built in rule 1001.

Conduit conduit_length / (conduit_height / 1000 * conduit_width / 1000) < 8 ;

This rule will generate a width*height result and will compare this to the conduit length, ensuring that the conduit length is at least the given factor or greater when compared to the width-height result. In this example the minimum factor would be 8.

This example is a customised version of built in rule 1002.


conduit_width <= 99 OR conduit_width >= 500 OR conduit_height <= 99 OR conduit_height >= 500;

This rule will check that neither the width nor the height of a conduit exceeds the given tolerances. In this example any widths or height of 99 mm or less will be flagged, so will any widths or heights equal to or exceeding 500 mm.

This example is a customised version of built in rule 1006.

Node system_type <> subcatchments.system_type;

This rule will check for any nodes in the network which have a given system type and have a subcatchment of a different system type draining to them.

This example is a customised version of built in rule 2011.

Subcatchment population = '0' AND system_type = 'foul';

This rule will highlight any subcatchments which are of the system type Fouland have 0 population present within the population entry for that subcatchment.

This example is a customised version of built in rule 4001.

Engineering Validation

Engineering Validation Dialog

Validation Rule Editor Dialog