Autolabels dialog

This dialog is used to customise the text displayed by autolabels on the GeoPlan window.

The dialog is displayed when the Set button is clicked in the Label Field area of the AutoLabels And Tooltips tab.

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Autolabels dialog

Item Description
Object Type The type of object for which labels are to be customised.

Contains all of the fields relevant to the selected Object Type.

Selecting a field from this dropdown list and clicking the Insert Field button will add the fieldname within brackets to the existing text in the Label Text box.

Insert Field When there is a field in the Field box, clicking this button will add the fieldname within brackets to the existing text in the Label Text box.
Label Text

You can enter multiple lines of text in this box by using the Enter key.

If you choose to align link labels with the link, rather than displaying them horizontally, then multi-line text is displayed on one line.

If there is no entry in this box, the Object ID will be displayed in the label.


  • You can include the values of object fields by typing the object database field name enclosed within curly brackets.

    For example: Enter Pipe material = {material} in the text box to display Pipe material = PVC on the label.

    Details of database field names can be found in the Network data field information topic.

Override font and range settings Checking this box makes the Font and Visible Range options available.

Available when the Override font and range settings box is checked.

Font List of fonts available for the label.
Size List of font sizes available for the label.
Maintain font size at all scales

If checked, the font will be the same size at all levels of zoom.

Unchecking this box will make the Scale for this font size control available.

Scale for this font size

Available when the box above is checked.

The label will appear at the chosen font size when the map scale is the one entered here.

Visible Range

Available when the Override font and range settings box is checked.

Min The minimum zoom level at which the label will be visible.
Max The maximum zoom level at which the label will be visible.
Clear All Clears all autolabel definitions.


GeoPlan window

GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog - Auto Labels And Tooltips page