EPANET 2 Export Data dialog

This dialog is displayed when exporting a network to an EPANET v2 file.

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Epanet 2 Export Data dialog

Item Description
Export From

The network for which you started the export.

You can change to another network if you want to.

By default, the latest version of the network will be exported. If you wish to export another version, you can use the # button to open the Select Commit dialog.


Optionally, a control to include in the export.

By default, the latest version of the control will be exported. If you wish to include another version in the export, you can use the # button to open the Select Commit dialog.

Demand Diagram Optionally, a demand diagram to include in the export.
Scenario If the network has more than one scenario, you can choose which one to include in the export from the dropdown list.
Export To (filename)

The text box contains a suggested name for the export file. You can change this name if you want to.

The ellipsis button opens a standard Windows Save As dialog for selecting the location to which the file is to be exported.

Produce File Carries out the export.

Exporting to EPANET files

Exporting network data

Exporting control data