Go To XY Coordinates dialog

This dialog allows you to centre the GeoPlan window on a specified point, and zoom in or out on that point if required.

The dialog is displayed when you click the Go to XY coordinates button Go to XY coordinates on the Operations toolbar.

Field Description


Read only field telling you the current map projection for the GeoPlan

X Coord

Chosen X coordinate. The default is the centre of the current view.

Y Coord

Chosen Y coordinate. The default is the centre of the current view.

Zoom level

The selected zoom level. The default is the current zoom level.

Network extents

The maximum and minimum X and Y extents of the network. For your information.

Zoom in

Zoom out

Use these buttons to adjust the zoom level. Each click doubles or halves the zoom level.

Address lookup

Lets you look up an address based on the current XY coordinates.

Click Show. Choose the geocoding service from the drop-down list, then click Lookup.

The status of the search is reported in the upper box.

If there are any search results, they are listed in the lower box.

OK Click to zoom to the XY coordinates or address.

Find and zoom using XY coordinates

GeoPlan window

Operations toolbar